Next, a wonderful "bird's eye view" pan B/G:

Street scenes:

The proverbial white picket fence, with rare and unusual character J.J. Fate...

OK, I admit it, this is a simple screen cap. But since Donald doesn't budge from his chair, I couldn't digitally erase him, and I just HAD to share this B/G. Look at the wonderful 50s styling!!!

A very messy stairwell...

A cluttered living room, pan B/G...

The "50 modern" bathroom...

Last but not least, the "50s modern" kitchen!

Imagine such beautiful artwork for TV production!!! That's the way Walt Disney did it...
Lovely! Thank you for sharing this. Donald Duck is one of my favorite disney characters. I especially love the image with DD in it :)
This is a great example of the similarities between UPA and Disney at the time!
Just thought I'd offer up two, points. First 'How to Have an Accident in the home' wasn't a TV production, it was a theatrical short.
Also it was made in cinemascope, so there should be even more to the sides of those backgrounds! :)
The cluttered "accident" living room is beautiful, if not hilarious! Love the shotgun by the door!!!
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