It's easy to get mired in Disney's glorious past. We should never forget contemporary artist wrote new chapters of excellence in the Disney animation annals. One look at the varied styles of this magnificent artwork from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST reminds us just how superb contemporary Disney art can be.
I would have to disagree, these BG's from Beauty and the Beast don't come up to the same level as BG's from past films. Just compare these to the BG's from Mary Poppins on this very blog. The Beast BG's are clumsily executed, with everything having the same level of importance in the BG. Theres an art too creating space and closeness on an area measuring 15"x12" and these don't have it!
Maybe this point is the one. Thanks for such a helpful post you publish. I will definitely check asap. Have you heard about the mtn night plan? See the MTN Night Plan activate code to start browsing the internet.
Super nice BGs!
Thanks for your ork to research them and share ith us!!!
excelent fonditos.
I have to say that "Beauty and the beast" was absolutely gorgeus and it still is one of my favorite movies :D
Nice blog
outstanding backgrounds. These look like they belong in a gallery.
I would have to disagree, these BG's from Beauty and the Beast don't come up to the same level as BG's from past films. Just compare these to the BG's from Mary Poppins on this very blog. The Beast BG's are clumsily executed, with everything having the same level of importance in the BG. Theres an art too creating space and closeness on an area measuring 15"x12" and these don't have it!
These Disney illustrations are always great examples at use of colours and composition.
Thanks for sharing.
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