It's no secret I love Disney artwork, and my fascination with background art is obvious. All eras and all styles! But I am particularly enamored of how the day-to-day lives of Disney artists in California translated itself into the artwork we see in Disney films. In THREE FOR BREAKFAST (1948), there are a myriad of reminders of life in California. I love opening view of Donald's house (and that amazing cut-a-way). Then there's the kitchen! The tilework is a knockout rendition of that seen in vintage CA homes (think Wilshire district). And, have you ever noticed Disney artists make even a sinkful of dirty dishes attractive, in its artful disarray? Perhaps the great art of Disney is is its ability to make the unpretentious artistic, and to see the art in the usual, everyday things we see and take for granted. Disney artists were taught to observe, and to incorporate all they saw in their art. The entertainment value and comedic storylines make these films no less artful. (Think Chaplin.) The joy of all art is seeing things in a different way, through the artist's eyes, getting a glimpse of another person's perception, and resonating emotionally and personally with that different vision.
Oh man... "Three For Breakfast" is one of my all-time favorites. I must pay WAY more attention to cartoons than even I think-- I'm recognizing almost every one of these. What fantastic work! Thanks SO much for sharing!!
Very, very true what you say about Disney art and Disney artists. You have a lovely way of putting into words what so many of us feel without knowing.
(Not to mention that your attention to detail and patience in creating these backgrounds is flat-out amazing. I feel lucky to have discovered your blog.)
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