Here's an ALICE B/G unlike any I've ever created. As Alice walks down the path, the foreground lighting fades and the upper left is lit. It's a wonderful effect.
I've composited both sections together, and of course Alice was intentionally vaporized.
The multiplane cameramen might have seen this during a lighting test. But here it is, now presented for the ANIMATION BACKGROUND audience for the very first time.
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This is wonderful. One of my favorite shots.
PS The lighting efx in the Tulgy Wood sequence are incredible, emphasized by the overall shadowy darkness. Have you ever gotten to the tree scene at the end of Alice's "Very Good Advice" song? It goes through some amazing changes.
This is a an incredible scene from an incredible sequence, particularly the animated :lighting" efx.
BTW what with all the above comments ? ? ?
Very Nice And Interesting Post, thank you for sharing
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