Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I was able to eliminate several dropping monkeys - but Pumbaa insisted on staying!

Aren't these African jungle backgrounds drop dead gorgeous?

interesting treescapes...


Claire said...

Thanks for posting these! The Lion King may be my all time favorite Disney movie.

Luis María Benítez said...

Thanks for posting these backgrounds. When I fist watched The Lion King I was shocked and I said to myself that I was going to be an animator. I watched thousands of times, frame by frame in some parts. Time passed by and now I'm studying animation. Best regards.

patrikspacek said...

....and I do the backgrounds :o)

Rodrigo Lopez Gelabert said...

These backgrounds are amazing thanks for posting!! I'm from Argentina and i like some much drawing :D

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咪叩~ said...

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Sky said...

I have been a great fan towards Lion King and all the Movies.
I have had my own animation blog too. Please do check:
and my personal blog:

Unknown said...

Hi. Is it ok to download and print one of these backgrounds? Would like to print it and use as a backdrop for a baby shoot. Thanks!

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