A few days ago he wrote me, asking if I'd suggest a Disney background I'd like to see rendered in 3D computer graphics.
After thinking about it for a day, I suggested the interior of the dwarfs' cottage from SNOW WHITE.
When the graphics arrived in my email, I was absolutely floored.
This young man is a brilliant talent. The computer graphics he's created are nothing short of astonishing. SENSATIONAL!
Here are two shots of the cottage re-created in CGI 3D - the bedroom staircase and the entire interior pan shot of the cottage. I have included a close-up of the area under the stairs.
Look at the incredible detail - the curves on the staircase's wooden planks, the texture of the wall's stucco, etc.
This young man spent days creating this, and it took 20 hours to completely render.
Patrik, thank you for sharing your work with our blog readers. I think you have an amazing future ahead of you.
Patrik's goal is to work for Disney (ideally) and/or another major animation studio. Someone should sign this young man immediately.
(Readers - be sure and click on the images. They will open in a new window full size so you can really savor the incredible detail.)

Simply stunning! Someone hire the man now!! Congrats Patrick!!
beautiful pics! :)
Patrick is a very talented man. Disney, give this man a job (please).
Good work Patrick.
(Good work Rob Richards too, fan of your artwork also).
Awesome! I had to google to find Patrick's site:
Great find Rob!
Keep up the excellent work.
Absolutely amazing! As a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs collector you leave me wanting for more! Any chance of seeing any more in the future?
Absolutely some great talent! Thanks for sharing these with everyone!
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Thank you Rob for this great presentation :) for those who like it, please check my blog. http://patrikspacek.blogspot.com/
Amazing... I know that some time has happened from this post...But I love it!!...
I was looking for animation backgrounds and keycolors to make one in 3D too and I discovered this one!!
Thanks to both for the inspiration and this such great references!!
it's amazing
Very Nice And Interesting Post, thank you for sharing
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