PAUL BUNYAN is a Disney featurette that deserves more recognition. It's an incredible treat for the eyes. And no wonder... the color stylist was Eyvind Earle, whose work on "Sleeping Beauty" created a whole new look for Disney. PAUL BUNYAN continues the stylized, modern approach, and takes it even further. The forest motif is beautifully rendered, as you can readily see. The background credits for PAUL BUNYAN belong to Walt Peregoy.
Rob - Didn't Walt also create most of the backgrounds for 101 Dalmatians? You can see that similar style here. I love the short film Paul Bunyon. I just watched it this evening as a matter of fact - and I agree it's terribly underappreciated.
Homer Jonas did some of the layouts for these sequences. Walt Peregoy was a good friend of his and they worked closely on this one. I have a full blue line storyboard of the baby being lifted by the crane sequence, as well as a bunch of rough comps of BG's done with pastels and a blow sprayer to fake an airbrushed look.
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