Thursday, September 4, 2008


In 1937, Walt said "let the magic begin..."

Disney's first animated feature!


SleepyTiki said...

Uuugh, just so gorgeous!
Love the colors on the close up of the well!

David said...

These are so beautiful . There is really something magic about that time period of Disney.

Wow. We are not worthy (bowing down)

Lisa said...

That shot of the whole well looks just like something from a Maxfield Parrish painting. Beautiful! What a wonderful site you have! Thanks for all the beauty!

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Anonymous said...

I found your blog today, thought you might enjoy some of the pictures of the house I grew up in and a story a man shared with my parents.

An elderly gentleman knocked on the door of my parents house a while back and said that he had attended a dinner in the original
home on my parents property with several important Disney people sometime in the early 30's...He claims Walt Disney himself was there, but we have no way of knowing for sure. The man told my parents that many ideas and architectural details for Snow White came from their home in Mt. Baldy. Could be some truth to it.
Their home was built by a man named George Kaiser; that supposedly designed sets for Walt Disney many years ago.

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