Well into its run at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, SLEEPING BEAUTY is knocking everyone out with its spectacular artwork and music. If you are anywhere near Southern CA, plan on seeing it on the El Capitan screen before the upcoming DVD release. The new digital picture and soundtrack restoration is truly spectacular and arguably Disney's finest restoration to date..
Here is another kaleidoscope of background art from SLEEPING BEAUTY.
(If you're craving even more, click on the SLEEPING BEAUTY "label" at the bottom of this post!)
How is this new release different than the dvd release they did a few years ago? I thought that one was digitally restored. Seriously my favorite animated film. Ever.
It's a different restoration. Each of the three frames of Technicolor were restored separately, then combined. The original soundtrack recorded in Berlin was found, digitized and re-engineered for surround sound.
Absolutely the finest restoration ever of a Disney animated classic!
Btw, I posted a link to your site this week on my blog (www.lorrainedesign.com/blog): I just love being able to see all of these beautiful backgrounds.
How is this new release different than the dvd release they did a few years ago? I thought that one was digitally restored. Seriously my favorite animated film. Ever.
It's a different restoration. Each of the three frames of Technicolor were restored separately, then combined. The original soundtrack recorded in Berlin was found, digitized and re-engineered for surround sound.
Absolutely the finest restoration ever of a Disney animated classic!
You're kidding! I don't know where I've been that I didn't see this sooner. Thanks for the info: now I'm anxiously awaiting it!
Btw, I posted a link to your site this week on my blog (www.lorrainedesign.com/blog): I just love being able to see all of these beautiful backgrounds.
These backgrounds are beautiful! I love Sleeping Beauty.
I drool...I don't usually like going to the El Cap, but I will have to for this one
I saw some of the originals in an exposition in montreal, canada. Eyvind Earl was a genius!
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How nostalgic I feel! The famous castle is based in a real one placed in the east of Spain, in a city called Valencia.
The castle is missing nowdays, but if you have the opportunity to go to Valencia, and visit this museum
you´ll find a picture of the castle in their photo archives.
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