Sunday, December 16, 2007


The tree's the thing..

Tom (the cat) is all over the pan background in this scene. As a matter of fact, it was virtually impossible to completely eliminate him. The animators never revealed the entire bike. Similiarly, the red gift box on the far right is animated on a cel, and while it bounces around a bit, it never moves out of the way completely.

So... here's the entire pan shot, re-created with Tom and the red box remaining!


. said...

Very interesting and unique. Thank you for sharing. I learned something new from you.

Lily Wrey

Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™ said...

Whenever Tom (the cat, not the Cruise-r) gets the spotlight, I think of one Missy Hyatt...

Missy would pretend (at least, I think she was pretending) that she didn't know which one from the Tom & Jerry duo was in fact the cat...

Just in case, in the event that she would still be in doubt, I hope she stumbles across this blog now - like so many have!

Happy Holidays!


A.Painter said...


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