Saturday, October 13, 2007

My Other Blogs and Websites

Hello readers!

While I post almost every day on ANIMATION BACKGROUNDS, I have several other presences on the web, and I wanted to personally invite you to visit them and take a look.

NAME THIS TOON is my blog on which I post unidentified production cels from my collection. I am curious and diligent researching the history of each piece. Feature film artwork is generally pretty easy, even obscure characters. But Disney short subjects and TV animation is much more difficult. I'd really, truly appreciate your input via comments on this blog.

I have just started a FITNESS blog. I went through an amazing transformation this year, losing 4 inches in my waist and actually getting six-pack abs again at 51! I am writing on all aspects of fitness, nutrition and well-being. It's for all ages and all levels of fitness. If you want to look better, feel better, and live healthier, please stop by.

And finally, there's my (personal) entertainment career website:

There's a whole section on animation, which contains images of several pieces from my collection:

There's a huge section on Disney's El Capitan Theatre, its architecture and special events. It's been my home-away-from-home, with over four thousand performances since 1999!

Plus there's my performing schedule, a gallery of photographs (another of my artistic passions), MIDI files of music I've arranged, the story of my amazing "world's largest digital theatre organ" which I designed and commissioned, and much more. There's something for everyone here.

The web opened up infinite possibilities for communication. It's great sharing information this way. I hope you'll visit all my sites as your schedule permits.

The red carpet is waiting!


  1. ya know I never made the connection that you were the Rob Richards!

  2. ※線上 aa 片試看嘟嘟※免費a片線上看免費a片線上看aa片免費看aa片免費看一葉晴貼影片SEX520免費影片85cc免費影城曼雪兒免費小說卡通a片女人色色網男人幫情色論壇 色美媚部落格色美媚部落格色美媚部落格aio交友聊天室080苗栗人聊天室網路交友聊天室網路交友聊天室080視訊聊天室080視訊聊天室080視訊聊天室080豆豆聊天室sex383線上娛樂場sex999免費影片嘟嘟情人色網SEX520免費影片aa片免費看小高聊天室小高聊天室網路交友聊天室aio交友愛情館小弟弟貼影片區一葉晴貼影片情人視訊高雄網女人色色網成人遊戲區成人視訊聊天85cc免費影城一葉晴貼影片☆♀ 電話交友☆♀☆♀ 網愛俱樂部 ☆♀Mr.愛愛聊論壇免費a片線上看小高聊天室即時通成人視訊上班族一夜情聊天室☆ 免費自拍情色電影 ☆桃園聊天室免費色咪咪影片SEX520免費影片甜心寶貝貼影片383成人影城卡通 免費a片微風論壇短片區0204movie免費影片A片66av視訊網 聊天室聯盟080 尋夢園聊天室聯盟0204 成人台灣貼圖區洪爺成人影片性感美女圖片免費下載色情電影視訊美女ggoo007色情貼圖網85cc免費影城水都情色論壇※免費影片線上觀賞※電眼美女小遊戲免費a片線上觀賞激情網愛聊天★影音視訊聊天情人網★☆♀ 激情網愛聊天 ☆♀★168視訊美女★特兒素人自拍貼圖aa片免費看aa片免費看SEX520免費影片85cc免費影城嘟嘟情人色網sex999免費影片sex383線上娛樂場八國聯軍成人情色網八國聯軍成人情色網aa片免費看小弟弟貼影片區色美媚部落格色美媚部落格情人視訊高雄網et正妹牆etwalls comet正妹牆aio交友聊天室080中部人聊天室080中部人聊天室080中部人聊天室080視訊聊天室080豆豆聊天室080豆豆聊天室sex383線上娛樂場sex999免費影片SEX520免費影片et正妹牆aa片免費看色美媚部落格sex383線上娛樂場sex383線上娛樂場嘟嘟情人色網SEX520免費影片一葉晴貼影片麗的色遊戲色情遊戲尋夢園成人視訊聊天室激情網愛百分百貼影片區線上a片小弟弟貼影片區080苗栗人聊天室網路交友聊天室080苗栗人聊天室男人幫情色論壇成人免費貼圖片區嘟嘟情人色網

  3. sm聊天室桃園聊天室視訊美女館免費UT視訊交友辣妹視訊秀激情辣妹聊天室色美媚部落格免費影片線上直播正妹牆aa片免費看aa片免費看免費視訊聊天室成人無碼情色貼圖交流板sex888movie影城台灣論壇遊戲區視訊交友90739色色網情色網站亞洲成人圖片區洪爺成人圖片kiss情色文學區視訊ukiss聊天室080聊天網18成人dvd777成人網0204movie免費影片一葉晴貼影片台灣美女貼圖區A片85cc免費影城66av視訊網 聊天室聯盟080 尋夢園聊天室聯盟日本美女寫真集WII168一路發嘟嘟圖片區007色情貼圖網080聊天室維克斯討論區成人免費視訊聊天蕃薯藤交友080苗栗人聊天室洪爺情色貼圖區080 聊天室 6k聊天館和川美優無碼電影下載夜未眠成人影城007成人網情色貼圖百分百成人圖片維克斯討論區微風 成人 論壇成人色情小說自拍偷拍影片eney伊莉論壇18成人dvd口交 肛交 內射 無碼影片下載波波情色貼圖網友自拍貼圖區女學生情色視訊聊天室八國聯軍成人自拍貼圖區亞洲超人氣情色貼圖免費aa片試看上班族1對1視訊線上免費情色電影絕色成人影城援交友留言聊天室免費A片免費視訊-童顏巨乳視訊做愛aa免費看躺伯虎聊天室台中人聊天室亞洲無碼電影下載hi5 tv免費成人影片redtube影片下載BT情色下載論壇麗的線上小遊戲情人節阿性情色視訊萍水相逢平水相逢後宮電影院成人夜色影音分享av1688影音娛樂網080苗栗人聊天室69成人論壇台北情色 聊天室櫻井美春 a片下載免費a片短片下載H卡通圖片情色性愛貼圖遊戲天堂楓之谷一網情深聊天室情人皇朝聊天室☆♀ 成人電影下載 ☆♀☆♀ 情色視訊聊天 ☆♀※a片線上試看※sex520免費影片※丁字褲美女圖免費辣妹脫衣秀美美交友情色網a片分享☆♀ 視訊美女觀看免費 ☆♀★888視訊聊天室★☆♀ skype網愛 ☆♀網友一夜情聊天室成人視訊聊天※激情成人網愛聊天室※※免費a片下載※灣美女 kiss 情網貼圖區泳裝美女寫真0509免費 視訊聊天秀本土辣妹視訊成人愛情交易所小弟弟貼影片免費線上a電影直播免費a片線上觀賞歐美 a片線上a片
