Friday, October 12, 2007

Tiger Lilies Love the Dandy-Lions

When I get into the mode of recreating backgrounds for a particular movie, it can border on obsession. Such was the case with this ALICE B/G. Why?

Well, it becomes a matter of getting at the background art, no matter how difficult. I'll bet no one at Disney ever envisioned a day when technology would allow dis-assembling the films one frame at a time.

But here we are.

I almost gave up on this one. The Tiger Lily and Dandy-lion sway all over the screen, making it a tremendous challenge to eliminate the animation and get to the background art.

But as I watched the "Golden Afternoon" sequence, I was struck by how reminiscent this particular B/G was of the background art in the "Waltz Of The Flowers" segment in FANTASIA. So I hammered away, one little section at a time. And by George, I succeeded!

So... here it is. There are several things I love about this piece. There's the extraordinary Mary Blair color styling, which is very subtle here but still a "wow." And I love the "dabs of color" that add such wonderful texture to the "background within a background."

All this could well go unnoticed in the mere 4-5 seconds it's on screen. It's obscured by the lively animation. And, it's over just as soon as it gets started!

But, now, here it is, re-created, and we can savor each and every lovely detail.



  1. Extraordinarily beautiful background. Thanks for taking the time and doing the work.

  2. so thrilled taht you didn't give up on this one. You know what's interesting about seeing this background is how reminiscent it is of the Alice in Wonderland dark ride style. The way the bright colors of the flowers pop out from the black/dark green/blue backgrounds are stunning. It goes to show that the same concept proved true in the dark ride as the movie: a gorgeous background sets the mood for a gorgeous foreground.

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