Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Holidays... Part 1: Christmas Candy!

I'll admit it... I LOVE Christmas! The music, the lights, and of course all kinds of Holiday treats, which include classic Christmas cartoons.

I wasn't sure which artwork would best kick off the Holiday theme, but this re-created pan background is certainly a beauty, from TOY TINKERERS, which starred Donald Duck with Chip and Dale.

This B/G evokes warm memories of childhood... candy canes, home-baked cookies, toys, presents wrapped with bows, and Christmas trees with shiny glass ornaments...

Happy Holidays!


Michael J. Ruocco said...

I haven't seen this cartoon in years, but every time I think about it I get really hungry!

This makes my mouth water just by looking at it. Thanks for bringing me back!

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البقع الناتجة عن فضلات النمل الأبيض أن تسبب مشكلة صعبة حقا بالنسبة لأصحاب المنازل. ويمكن أن تكون عنيدة جدا ويصعب إزالتها في بعض الأحيان ولكن شركه مكافحة النمل الابيض جنوب الرياض هذا لن يكون سببا للقلق بالنسبة لك بعد الآن حيث أننا الأفضل في مجال تنظيف و مكافحة الحشرات بشهادة عملائنا السابقيين و الحاليين.

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dr:sara said...

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شركة نور المملكة بحائل تقدم خدمات متعددة فى مجال النظافه العامة فنحن رواد فى مجال تنظيف المنازل والفيلات . شركة نور المملكة تقدم خدمات النظافة العامة على اسس منتظمة وجودة عالية باستخدام احدث الماكينات والادوات ومواد تنظيف امنه و ومعتمدة من قبل منظمة حماية البيئة لتكون امنه على البيئة وصحه الافراد فقط اتصل على 0531178175.
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Every user can update the honda navigation system with ease. All you have to do is follow some basic instructions, and you can update the honda Navi by yourself. Most of the time, customers ask whether their updates are free or paid.

We want to inform you that all Honda Navi updates are free of cost most of the time. A few times, the updates are paid if you have an older honda vehicle. Many times consumers end up paying a good amount of money to the local dealers. We want to inform you that you can get the updates for yourself without paying any additional fees or charges if you can follow some basic steps.

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If you too have received QuickBooks Update Error 12007, this blog post will help you resolve it. Also, this blog post is created to offer you an understanding of this error as well as the reasons for its occurrence.

Related Articles: QuickBooks PDF Converter | QuickBooks Error Code 1334

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anisawilliam70 said...

QuickBooks Error 12029 is a most common error that occurs when the software fails to access the server. In this post we have discussed about the procedure to fix this error.

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QuickBooks-error-code-h202 | QuickBooks error 80070057

Hostdocket said...

solve QuickBooks error 1935 we are going to discuss one common QuickBooks error which may bug you until you get it fixed. The error is QuickBooks Error 1935 that often appears while installing QuickBooks or .NET Framework.

Andrew Walker said...

Are you struggling with QuickBooks Error Code 6175? This error code can be seen when a QuickBooks user tries to open or access the company file located on the local server. This happens when the database server does not respond or QuickBooks is unable to read the database services. For more details, call +1-844-405-0907.

Andrew Walker said...

When you are unable to update your payroll, it occurs due to QuickBooks error code 15242. This signifies that the FCS has incurred damage, and it's worth noting that the file copy service is in charge of downloading QuickBooks payroll updates.

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Axpert Accounting said...

QuickBooks Error H202 occurs when a user tries to access a company file in multi-user mode but faces issues in establishing a connection with the server. This error can disrupt workflow, but it can be resolved through troubleshooting methods provided by QuickBooks support.

Andrew Walker said...

Encountering QuickBooks Desktop Update errors can happen unpredictably during update downloads or when trying to install the latest upgrades. Sometimes, upon initiating the software, a significant QuickBooks update awaits installation. Yet, certain errors might disrupt the upgrade process, impeding the addition of new QuickBooks functionalities.

Andrew Walker said...

When trying to install or update QuickBooks within a corrupted folder, QuickBooks Install Error 1712 occurs. It can also occur due to a few corrupted folders or an outdated or damaged operating system, hindering the installation or update process with system-level issues. This error might impact system performance, necessitating an immediate resolution.

Andrew Walker said...

When attempting to access the company file locally, QuickBooks Error 6175 occurs. This happens due to unresponsive database servers or when QuickBooks encounters difficulties reading the database services. Some services might automatically halt if they remain unused by other functions.

Andrew Walker said...

It's a common occurrence for QuickBooks users. QuickBooks error code 6147 0 falls under the QuickBooks 6000 series errors. Primarily, it's related to company file issues, typically arising when attempting to open a corrupted company file, a backup file, or a file that has been accidentally deleted.