Sunday, September 2, 2007


Two very different backgrounds here; an expansive re-created exterior pan background, and a gorgeous table filled with all sorts of lovely treasures. I had a rare weekend day off, due to teh Holiday weekend, which afforded me the time to re-create over 30 "new" SLEEPING BEAUTY backgrounds. I think there's a strong argument that the SLEEPING BEAUTY B/Gs are Disney's finest. I hope you'll enjoy these... more will follow!


  1. hi rob, beautiful recreations! I went through them all,
    you did a lot within such a short time.
    maybe you have read in my blog about the color-correction problem. most DVD color timers use their own taste or non-taste to judge the color of each separate scene themselves. some use an automated color correction system built into their software. but most of the time they increase the color levels or add a special color to make it more 'moody. you can get rid of these stupid changes in case there is some WHITE spot in the BG, by using SHIFT+apple+B, or in case you don't have a MAC - automatic color correction in photoshop COLOR ADJUSTMENTS. it uses WHITE as the start for a color balance the same way a video camera balances the color using the WHITE BALANCE. you will see a dramatic change in your BG's, especially in the JUNGLE BOOK and PETER PAN ones. in case there is no white in the BG be careful, you would get pretty crazy results. good luck!

  2. Thanks for these and for all the rest, I have always loved classic hand-painted BG's!

  3. As someone else said, great job. As a big Disney fan and especially Sleeping Beauty, WOW. It has had a big influence on me as an artist, wish I could get my colors to glow like Eyvind did. Keep up the good work and look forward to you adding to the collection. Dale

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