Monday, September 3, 2007

SLEEPING BEAUTY (1959) Part Three

How did you spend your holiday? I got "on a roll" with SLEEPING BEAUTY and archived over sixty backgrounds. Re-creating these pan B/Gs are have given me a new appreciation for the artful cinematography., with zooms, fades, etc. Of course these make re-creating the B/Gs more challenging. But it's worth every minute (hour? day? days?). What magnificent artwork! Here are three... take your time and savor the details. Magnificent!

On the second pan B/G, if you look closely you'll see Briar Rose on the far right, and a lone bird flying away. This B/G was a challenge, as the perspective changed as the multiplane camera panned left to right. It's not always possible to completely clear the "landscape." This was one of those cases, but I think it still gives a lovely presentation of the artwork.


  1. Hi Rob,

    (Sorry, I don`t write very well in english)

    I`m an art student and I am currently working on a project involving large format oil paintings and Disney`s animation backgrounds. I don`t have any book about the subject, so only your blog provides me the images I need. I really appreciate your time doing this stuff, I check every day the backgrounds and I search for them in the movies. Your work is very important for me. Is there any chance to upload some better quality/bigger images? It`ll be much easier for me to copy them. I`m specifically interested in sleeping beauty and alice in wonderland. Thanks again for your work an help. Check my webpage , there you can find some of my works. The paintings I`m working on are not there yet, but they will be as soon as i finish them.

    Thanks very much for your blog.


  2. Rob, you're doing some truly amazing (and, I can only presume, time-consuming) work here! These are gorgeous.

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