Wednesday, February 19, 2014


A little bit about the guy behind the blog...

Taken July 2013 (at Disney World)


After a long absence, I wanted to greet you personally...
and explain my absence, my journey and my return.

In 2009, my personal life took a dark turn. With all that was going on, I just didn't have the energy to blog after several years. So ANIMATION BACKGROUNDS became an archive. 

In the intervening years, I've been through a brutal divorce, the recession, and the inevitable emotional challenges consistent with deep personal turmoil.

The great news is I not only survived, but I have emerged stronger and happier 
than ever before in my life, with my career at the very pinnacle of my creative success!

I went from this -

to this!

That's better, don't you think??!!!

FYI - I'm a Disney junkie. I really enjoy the parks and I love a great Disney film. 


Actually, I love great animation in general.
With a very particular affinity for traditional hand-drawn cartoons.
Disney especially... but also MGM, Warner Bros., etc., etc., etc.

Sadly, I can't draw. But I figured out a technique for digitally restoring background art.
And this lets me immerse myself in the films' images.
It's incredibly gratifying to reconstruct this beautiful art.
That's why I simply HAD TO return to this blog!

I also work for Disney.
I am the Wizard of the Wurlitzer at Disney's El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, CA.
I opened the restored pipe organ in 1999.
And in the intervening 15 years, I've played an astonishing SEVEN THOUSAND shows!

Here I am recently, accompanying the new Mickey Mouse cartoon 
blending the pipe organ with the soundtrack!
It was a definite career highlight.

I've played 9 international concert tours, played all across the United states,
 and recorded about a dozen CDs.
But I am most at home at the El Cap
and I admit I love "Ethel" the Wurlitzer pipe organ
and our wonderful family audiences.

I also want to share is my passion for fitness.
If I've learned one thing in life, it's that we all need BALANCE.
Intellect is great, music is important.
But our bodies need exercise and good food to thrive.

I've been on an anti-aging and wellness program since 2006.
This is where I am at today, age 58.

There's one final personal note...
I'm a flag-waving supporter of rescuing animals from shelters.

And I've done my part. Meet my Baby... Since September 2013.

I'm happier than I've ever been -
surrounded by the best group of loving friends EVER in my life -
I'm living my passions
and I'm fit, healthy and strong.





  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Rob,

    I've been a follower of your blog since almost the beginning, and I still kept it in my bookmarks and rss feed, hoping that day would come.
    It's so great to see you happy and back on track, I'm so glad you made this update.
    Thank you for many years of inspiration! I'll be here for the rest of the journey :)


  3. Hey! What a nice surprise in my RSS feeds. Love this blog, Rob. Welcome back and congratulations.

  4. Rob welcome back. I teach concept art to illustrators game artists and animators and I constantly refer to the work on your blog. Your hard work is genuinely appreciated, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your time and effort.

  5. Thank you for being such an incredible example to all. Your love and compassion have set you on a path of growth that is truly phenomenal. I find it fitting that in the background sounds of my humble home as I clicked on this link was and is Mickey Mouse Club House. My personal tribute to you and your Disney Passion will remain in the Tibia Dr's hands until you claim it from him (requires a visit to the Castle and some "tickling of some ivories" in the near future. We love you Brother!

  6. Glad you're doing better!
    If you're looking for something to add to your collection , I would really love to see some the Land Before time backgrounds as they are hard to come by and I would love to study them better. (My only version of this movie is a very old VHS that is getting worn by time )

  7. I've been hoping you'd return to this blog- welcome back!

  8. Glad to get to know you a little better mate! Keep up the great work.
    Steve UK

  9. So great to see you show up on my feed!!! Huge huge fan of your blog and great to see the man behind the magic! Thanks for all the awesome stuff you clean up to share with us!

  10. I'm so glad this blog is coming back! Thank you for sharing & welcome back! :)

  11. I'm very glad to see the blog is coming back!

  12. Great news-very happy for you :0) Fab blog too-been waiting for the return :0))

  13. I have followed you for like ever so glad your in a better place :) you look fantastic :)

  14. I have followed you for like ever so glad your in a better place :) you look fantastic :)

  15. Welcome back Rob!
    I'm so happy to see that you're doing better, and looking after yourself. I love your blog and share your passion for animation - I appreciate so much all the effort and work you have done to share this with all your followers. I wish you all the best in this new chapter of life and I'm inspired by your courage to be open and share your strength with others.

    Highest regards
    Shane =)

  16. So delighted to see your return! I kept your blog bookmarked and was so happy to see you were back to your labor of love. Welcome and thanks for sharing your amazing passion and talent.

  17. So glad you are back, Rob! And great to see you looking after yourself and in incredible shape!! It is true that we need the balance of health and wellbeing. Please continue to share your inspiration, joy and happiness to others as you have continuously done so! Looking forward to more posts :))

    All the best,

  18. Thanks Rob, thank you!
    I'm glad you're okay! I'm glad you back your excellent blog full of peace!
    Greetings from Argentina!.

  19. glad to see you're back! I'm a animation BG designer & your blog has always been a great reference & source for discovering old films.

  20. glad to see you're back! I'm a animation BG designer & your blog has always been a great reference & source for discovering old films.

  21. glad to see you're back! I'm a animation BG designer & your blog has always been a great reference & source for discovering old films.

  22. Sir, you are an absolute INSPIRATION. Not only is your blog a treasure, and probably my favorite blog ever, but having read this post reveals that the person behind the blog is as awesome as the blog. Blog on, for all of us. Cartoons, shelter animals, and fitness. It does not get any better than this.

  23. Welcome back! I've been a fan of your blog for years now, and I really appreciate the work you put into putting these bg's together. I'm glad to hear you're in a better place in your life. Thanks for all you do for the animation world. love & respect!


  24. me encantaaaa tu pagina mi nombre es desiree y soy de venezuela ni idea como descubri tu pagina ni me acuerdo pero me pareces que haces una gran labor con tu trabajo me has ayudado quiero ser ilustradora de fondos mil gracias

  25. The biggest congratulations and props to you!!!!!! YOU are awesome!Welcome to your new and wonderful chapter in life!!! I am very happy for you! It's never to late to be better and feel better and do better!! :)
    AND the best blog in town is back ;)
    Welcome back Good Sir! All the best ~

  26. Nice blog and really very informative. For more videos click on Animated Explainer Videos

  27. Hi Rob! Congrats on your success and ability to bounce back from life's difficult challenges and then inspire others. I sincerely appreciate your love for animation and passion for animal welfare and nutrition and fitness. It makes your blog that much richer!


  28. You've made this Disney Geek a very happy guy with your return.

  29. Hi, Rob! Congrats :) I am so glad to see you again.

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  31. Time heals old wounds! You are back, better than before, with more life experiences and I am gonna with ya!
    all best!

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  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. So glad your blog is back, bravo for winning at "the life has hard things to make you go trough" part, i'm very happy to see you back in the game :)

  36. Great to hear good news and that you doing way better!

  37. Hi Rob
    It's fantastic that you have restarted your blog. I was always an avid follower and really appreciate you sharing the work you do in restoring so many wonderful animation backgrounds. Thanks:)

  38. So glad to see you back Rob! I missed the blog but often returned to it for reference. Thank you for all your hard work in sharing it.
    (Motion Graphic Designer at The Disney Channel, London)

  39. I love Disney animations too. Wish you all the best!

  40. YAY!! Awesome that you're back, man! Glad to see you're doing well and taking care of yourself. :D

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Great to see you back, Rob. I have been following your blog for as long as I can remember and you have inspired me to become an artist. Thanks for all the work that you do and welcome back bud!!!! :)\m/

  43. Glad you're back, man!
    Your blog is awesome. Your work is a true inspiration to me.
    Wish you a healthy, wealthy next year!

    São Paulo, Brazil!

  44. Welcome back Rob! I miss you!!!
    Hope you are ok now and happy!!!
    C'mon let's enjoy some amazing background!!!

  45. I'm very happy life's all good to you now. Glad your back.

  46. Welcome back!
    I'm very pleased you get over that dark period.
    Life is full of surpises, even whenyou think it's over.
    Go on and live!

  47. Inspiring story. Welcome back! Going to Hollywood in a couple of weeks. I'll try to catch your show!

  48. love this blog!

    i dont know if you still update this, but thank you!

    wishing you the best
