Thursday, January 3, 2008

Snow White: Dwarves Cottage Interior Pan

Here is a digitally recreated pan background of the dwarves cottage interior, from Snow White.

The subtlety of the color palette is lovely. This would never be seen today, when explosively colorful color palettes are a must.

Sometimes less is more...


  1. yes i too noticed when disney got a bit *sickly* (if thats a good word),that colours got really saturated and explosive as you say.It works in some recent works,like tarzan for instance.

    I really prefer the darker,probably more believable backgrounds,like the earlier bambi one posted.

    this is nice,thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi n.g.,

    I don't have an issue with bright colors, but there needs to be an artistic balance. Color doesn't have to blast at you relentlessly!

    I agree, Tarzan was successful on many levels. I think Walt would have particularly loved the "deep canvas" computer multiplane effects.

  3. Wow, these bring back so many memories!

    I'm glad that Walt isn't alive to see the rubbish they're making these days.
    New-tech art, yes. Classic storyline? No. Funny? No. Cute furry animals? Definitely.

    And I think the bright colours definitely worked for Tarzan, but I prefer the older artworks. Say Beauty and the Beast, that was brilliant.

  4. Beauty and the Beast, older artwork?



  5. This is a really interesting website! Great pictures too!

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  7. yes it is less of a play on the sense of vision and more energy goes to the heart

  8. Full of atmosphere, great colours and you have a really interesting site.

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