First, we have "Grumpy's Kiss and Departure." Interesting problem... the first frame in the sequence, starting on the right has Grumpy with his shadow. I couldn't eliminate it completely.
So here you'll see two versions: one with Grumpy and the entire first frame intact. Here's the first frame:

This version of the digitally re-created pan B/G contains the entire first frame on the right:

This second version of the digitally re-created pan B/G is almost completely cleared, as much as digitally possible... revealing quite a bit more of the B/G. Sorry, nothing I could do about that bit of shadow and a fragment of Grumpy's shoe!

As usual I've split the Pan B/G in halves so you can have a good look at detail Here's the left side:

And the right side:

And finally, another completely separate woodsy pan B/G. Grumpy gets his nose stuck in the hole in the tree. A funny bit!

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I am from Taiwan! If you want to visit Taiwan, welcome to my site visits and Zhijiao, I will provide various guided tours and guided tours .
Ich komme aus Taiwan! Wenn Sie nach Taiwan besuchen möchten, herzlich willkommen auf meiner Besuche vor Ort und Zhijiao, werde ich verschiedene geführte Touren bieten und Führungen ...
Meu quirido vc é muito bom, adimiro muito seu trabalho.
Vc é um grande ilustrador.
Espero um dia ter um talento assim .
Deus te ilumine.
Lovely cartoon, I love it so much
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2. شراء اثاث مستعمل بالرياض
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