Wednesday, April 22, 2009

SCRAMBLED ACHES (Warner Bros., 1957)

From the Road Runner series...


Matt said...

love those offset colors. nice post.

brandykruse said...

You are never allowed to stop this blog. Wonderful!

Santiago Mansilla said...

I love those backgrounds!



Anonymous said...


Puga Vida said...

these are great!Big fan of ur blog. Two quick question Rob. I'm a storyboard artist and I got stuck on a certain part of a script where the character falls and makes a really big crater, thus sucking in the background? Would you happen to know what cartoon i could look at for reference? thanks for you time.

Barbasaurus Rex said...

Wonderful, Love it!! Thank you so much for all your hard work. It is not in vein you are helping the masses and I am so grateful!!! You are up for sainthood!

christine said...

I'm saving a lot of these and using them as my desktop wallpaper. Better than my used cars wallpaper.

Michael said...

Hi Rob. It's unusual for you to leave such a long time between posts. Are you OK?

Anonymous said...

This blog is so helpful. I love those backgrounds. Every wallpaper is so colorful. I am a big fan of your blog. I am a fan and enjoy your work. thank you for shearing your post.

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ther1 said...

The first picture looks like a heavily Photoshopped version of the Autism Speaks logo. You've seen those car ribbons with puzzle pieces on them?

HACKER said...

You are never allowed to stop this blog.
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