David Dodd Hand (January 23, 1900–October 11, 1986), was best known for his work at Disney. He worked on numerous Disney shorts during the 1930s, eventually becoming supervising director on the animated features Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Bambi. After leaving Disney in 1944, Hand went to England, and for J. Arthur Rank set up Gaumont British Animation to produce the Animaland and Musical Paintbox cartoon series.
The Disney influence is obvious. The backgrounds are stylish and beautifully rendered. (The character designs also reflect the Disney style.)
This cartoon has been beautifully re-mastered and transfered to DVD in a 9=cartoon collection called A MAGICAL CARTOON CHRISTMAS. Available for under five dollars from DVDCDGame.com.
First, the detailed Title card:

A digital re-creation of the opening pan B/G:

The Circus entry door:

A wintry pan B/G:

Sign with snow:

Sign without snow:

The ticket booth:

I love this cartoon! I watched it as a child without really knowing anything about it. Thanks for the wonderful backgrounds -- the opening pan is impressive.
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Too bad this post got spammed up the wazoo right now, but I like to state the cartoon can also be found on a DVD compilation called "David Hand's Animaland" if anyone happens to find it. Don't bother with the usual PD discs if they're using a beat-red print of Ginger Nutt's Christmas Circus.
Very Nice And Interesting Post, thank you for sharing
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