Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Here's a surprise!

I thought I'd digitally reconstructed just about every possible MARY POPPINS background... until this afternoon.

I had a rare four days off this week. So, with the luxury of some unstructured time on my hands, out came the 1964 Disney classic.

Here for your pleasure (and five hours of obsessive Photoshopping later): a wonderful POPPINS pan B/G from the chalk drawings (fox hunt) sequence. To remove the animated hunters, horses and dogs, I had to layer nearly thirty sections and do some paintbrush work as well!

I was able to eliminate all the animated characters except the endomorphic equestrian at the far right. But most of the background is now revealed for your amusement and amazement (and mine as well)!



  1. Rob -

    I just stumbled upon your blog while searching through the web for something else entirely. But being an illustrator and animation fan myself, I really enjoy all the work that you've been posting here. I certainly can understand the urge to want to use Photoshop to fabricate the right background for animation cels: 'Though I'm not a serious collector like you, years ago I went through the same process to make backgrounds to the only animation cels I've ever purchased (from Hayao Miyazaki's 'Porco Rosso.')

    Anyhow, I have now spent many hours looking through your entire blog. Back near the beginning, you noted that not getting comments was somewhat of a downer, so I just wanted to drop a big note to thank you for posting your work, and to say that you and your blog have a new fan!

    -Mike Dashow

  2. Hi Mike


    And - no doubt about it - when someone like you takes time to write a complimentary comment, it really makes my day!

    Thank you, and please visit as often as possible!

  3. i haven't seen that wonder of a movie in some time. reminding me that it may be time to cozy up with a mug of coffee, a newspaper crossword and good ol' mary. "feed the birds..."

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