Monday, June 23, 2008


Here's another installment of wonderful background art from LILO AND STITCH. These feature Lilo's bedroom.

First up, her bed and nightstand. Gotta love that hula dancer lamp!

Here's another bedside view:

This digitally re-created pan B/G took a long time to piece together, but it was worth the time. Lilo is a quirky character, and her room is a perfect match. It's filled with so many wonderful eclectic details: glow-in-the-dark moon and star stickers, a sea shell, a windowside lei, miniature trucks, a toy sailboat, a yo-yo, even a hockey stick...

Here's a close-up of the right side of the pan....

Here's a complete view of the easel...

Finally, a lovely rendering of the view from the foot of the bed looking toward the door. Notice the woodgrain in the bedposts, the casual draping of bedspread fabric across the bed's frontpost, and the way light illuminates the edges of the woodwork...


  1. I completely agree with you; the details of this movie are great.

    Have you noticed that at the end of the movie, when Stitch is fully ingratiated into Lilo and Nani's world, that the house is much cleaner? There's a scene where he's doing laundry, and you can see in the background cleaning supplies and the floor is much shinier, etc. (It is during Wynonna Judd's re-make of "burnin love").

    It's especially evident if you notice the trash and muck before, such as when Mr. Bubbles is first introduced. The details during that scene show how Nani lets house-cleaning go because of her daunting responsibilities.

    It's a neat touch the artists added, and I thought you might have noticed as well, and if not, now it gives you something to (possibly) look forward to checking out. :)

  2. Your points are extremely well made. Background art plays a pivotal role (if often subconscious) in setting the emotional stage for the characters. And the evolution of story line and characters is also deeply intertwined with B/G art.

  3. i love when stitch starts to terrorize lilo's room, ripping up her art and lilo yells "no, that's from my blue period." So quirky and so cute!

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  6. I'm a li'l late to the party, but wow, what beautiful backgrounds! Even though Lilo & Stitch has been a favorite of mine for a while now, you managed to make me love it even more. You did a wonderful job compiling all of these. Thanks!
