Sunday, May 18, 2008


Here's one of the largest backgrounds I've ever digitally re-assembled. Over 100 inches long! It is an extraordinary piece.

A couple of notes:

The scene starts with a pan left to right, then top to bottom. This image is the recreation of the top to bottom pan. We'll leave the other (small) section for another time.

The action here is Timon is doing a "cannonball" into the water. The drop is animated at such a furious clip, each section of art is seen for only about one frame. Digitally, I couldn't eliminate all the Timons because the character dropped so fast, the piece of background behind him was already out of frame, one frame to the next!

I still think it's worth having a good look. Look how beautifully each section transitions one into the next. I've broken the entire B/G into several pieces so you can really have a good look. (Be sure and click on the images to see the large version.)

One of Disney's artists really earned their paycheck with this one. It's sort of the Mount Rushmore of background art!


  1. HAKUNA MATATA what a wonderful phrase it means no worries for the rest of your days HAKUNA MATATA.
    Thanks for the backgrounds you put they are really helpful.

  2. Rob- A really amazing piece of work! Congratulations and thanks for sharing!

  3. I like this background so much that I tried to repair it on my own. Here you can see the shot without Timon. Think of the right appendix as a bonus! :-) It came from Pumba's jump.

  4. Soory! I forgot about link :-)
    Here it is

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  7. I love this backgrounds so much..
    I am very big fan of your work

  8. There's a really cool panning background in The Lion King that really tricks the eye into seeing a 2D painted background as a scene truly filmed by a rotating camera. Shortly before the wildebeests rush down into the gorge, there is a pan (or is it a tilt?) up the side of the gorge that reveals where the wildebeests are grazing. It's a really remarkably done bg.
