Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today we'll have a look at the 1946 Academy Award winning "best cartoon," MGM's THE CAT CONCERTO, which starred Tom and Jerry.

Watch the cartoon:

Now enjoy the digitally re-constructed background artwork:


KyLongRifle said...

"This is for my brother, George"
-Bugs Bunny, "Rhapsody Rabbit"

Joe Adamson's "Bugs Bunny: 50 Years and Only One Grey Hare" shares that the Tom & Jerry short, "The Cat Concerto" and "Rhapsody Rabbit" have an even more suspect connection than their themes. Even though Concerto is listed as 1947, it was actually made in 1946. The same year that Rhapsody Rabbit was created. Many of the animators from both studios, MGM and Warner's, often mingled at the local Mailbu beach front, so it wasn't uncommon for very similar short ideas to be produced at or about the same time from the separate studios.
These two have that very same connection. But the rub comes from the fact that, at least for the Friz Freleng "Rhapsody Rabbit" short was actually produced first and MGM's, "The Cat Concerto" followed. However, "The Cat Concerto" was released first to the public. Which in the public's eye made it look like Warner's had copied the idea from the Tom and Jerry short. Far worse was the fact that both shorts were colored by the best technology of the time, which was at the Technicolor facility. The Technicolor company because of their internal numbering system, I believe, actually finished the T&J short "The Cat Concerto" first and allowed MGM to submit it first to the Oscar committee and therefore allowed it to be received as an original work and thus received the Oscar. "Rhapsody Rabbit" was completed second and although both shorts were Oscar worthy material, Friz Freleng was 'robbed' of his first chance at Oscar stardom for his created first "Rhapsody Rabbit".

KyLongRifle said...

Oops! Wanted to amend my comment above, since my memory failed me. I got home and looked up the above reference and it was the Oscar folks who 'drew' "The Cat Concerto" out of the rotation viewing hat and therefore 'cost' Freleng a possible Oscar nod.

See page 140 of Adamson's book.

My apologies.

Anonymous said...





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5689 said...
