Monday, February 18, 2008


This scene takes us through the forest to the river's edge.

As the deer remain in the entire first shot, they remain here, as well as a couple smaller woodland animals. It took some patience to digitally extract all those animated butterflies too! But most of the artwork is seen here, revealed for the first time. Note the extravagant use of color and richness of detail. Gorgeous!

The "river's edge" is the B/G where the turtles meet Mary Poppins and Bert to transport them acoss the river. They are in the whole scene, so they've stayed. But ths rest of this glorious B/G is revealed. The marsh-ey flora is a nice touch, and the chalk drawing texture continues with aplomb!


  1. This whole series is just wonderful Rob. By highlighting the backgrounds, it seems to bring more 'WOW' to the whole scene. It makes me want to view the whole film again.

  2. I think the depth and expansiveness of Disney's artistic excellence is often lost in the wonder of the moment.

    I have loved MARY POPPINS since the first time I saw it, when it was new, 40 years ago. (And yes, I was a very small child!) Now, as an adult, I realize the care and attention to detail that went into every aspect of the film. The animated sequences continue to dazzle after decades of repetaed viewings. These truly extraordinary backgrounds are certainly a key to POPPINS' success.

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