Tuesday, January 1, 2008


What a lovely way to start the New Year, with a digitally re-created background from Walt Disney's masterpiece BAMBI.

The muted color palette and the impeccable composition make this a true masterpiece in the annals of Disney background art.


  1. It's interesting how realistic it looks as a small image on your blog, but when enlarged it is more impressionist. Quite beautiful, as is all of the art in that film.

  2. Rob - You have one heck of a talent. I can't believe that I spent so much time looking at the background cell art. It is amazing to me what you don't see because of the animation. Great Work !

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I happened upon your blog by "chance", but I am sure glad that I did!! I too love the 50's cartoon graphics. Being a 56yr old female romantic, I so well remember sitting in the darkened movie theaters and letting the scenes on the large screen take me to so many places....Some beautiful, some scary, some magical. But none of them were forgetable!! They were seeds, to my fertile imagination, and food for many a fantasy that played out in my head and was then scrawled on paper sometimes in an old journal an English teacher had started me writing. Thanks for bringing back all ofthose delightful memories for me!!
    As I await the arrival of my 2nd grandchild in June I know what I will do as a gift for the baby/older child. I will begin His/Her very own journal of Nannie's Memories of Her Childhood. Won't she be a lucky baby?! hahaha.....

    May the New Year be good to you!

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