Monday, December 24, 2007

CHRISTMAS EVE: The Star Of Bethlehem

Here, the final re-created background from my "THE SMALL ONE" archives.

Evocative and lovely....

have a beautiful Christmas Eve.


  1. Wow, this is lovely. The artist really captured the lighting beautifully.

  2. Blessings:

    This is much so, I added it to my post(with a picture link back to you...hope you don't mind, I'll remove it if you do)

    your humble servant,
    ancient clown

  3. this is so lovely, in fact all the pics you've posted are lovely. wow, can tell you're a christmas spirited person :D

  4. Oh holy night the star is brightly shineing tis the of our dear saviors birth!!!!

    Awesome illustration of most Important day

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