One wonders if the Warner Brother's cartoon artists looked at Disney backgrounds like this, while doing pre-production design for the Road Runner cartoons...
I understand your desire to not get all "OMG, you're fabulous!" comments, but your work is awesome. I loved finding huge chucks of my childhood online. the only request I can possibly think of is to sharpen the backgrounds. that would brighten the detail.
Thanks for your kind words. Regarding adjustments to the images, I made a decision early on to honor the source material as much as possible. I have to use Photoshop to composite the BGs. But the softness, or sharpness of the images is what comes directly from the DVD screen caps. So, what it is, is what it is!
I understand your desire to not get all "OMG, you're fabulous!" comments, but your work is awesome. I loved finding huge chucks of my childhood online.
ReplyDeletethe only request I can possibly think of is to sharpen the backgrounds. that would brighten the detail.
Thanks for your kind words. Regarding adjustments to the images, I made a decision early on to honor the source material as much as possible. I have to use Photoshop to composite the BGs. But the softness, or sharpness of the images is what comes directly from the DVD screen caps. So, what it is, is what it is!
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