You wouldn't believe how much time it took to digitally eliminate a tiny teacup from the table. But... the result is an unobstructed view of this delightful ALICE background painting.
Just a little word of support: keep up this great hobby, it's very much appreciated over here in the Netherlands (only speaking for myself though!). I never looked at most of the backgrounds you dissect, just the complete movie. I hope it's a labor of love and you find inspiration to keep doing it ;)
I have to agree with Marco. I'm glad I found this blog. I've always been a fan of the 'classic' animations but now I'm gaining an appreciation for the backgrounds and settings the moving cells were put upon.
Thanks so much for posting these. It's appreciated.
Wow, thats a great BG.
ReplyDeleteHey Rob,
ReplyDeleteJust a little word of support: keep up this great hobby, it's very much appreciated over here in the Netherlands (only speaking for myself though!). I never looked at most of the backgrounds you dissect, just the complete movie. I hope it's a labor of love and you find inspiration to keep doing it ;)
I have to agree with Marco. I'm glad I found this blog. I've always been a fan of the 'classic' animations but now I'm gaining an appreciation for the backgrounds and settings the moving cells were put upon.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting these. It's appreciated.
Thanks all! Your encouragement is much appreciated.
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