Wednesday, August 15, 2007

SNOW WHITE: Dwarves' Cottage at Dusk

This pan background from SNOW WHITE appears as the animals flee from the cottage, on hearing the dwarves singing their arrival home from the mines. It was quite a job assembling this, as the animals scurry across the screen I had to retouch them out, one at a time, and there were a lot of the adorable little critters! Then there was the usual layering and color balancing.

The end result of two days work is re-creating a pan B/G that no one has seen in seventy years. Lovely, isn't it?


  1. Rob this one is just lovely. Really. I can't imagine how many of hours you spent on this. (When do you sleep??) Do you use DVD Capture or some other software to grab images from the movies? I mentioned Claude Coats earlier. I'd love to see something from Pinocchio - maybe in the toyshop or of Pleasure island. I know this would be a lot of work - but some of those images are just stunning. I'll continue popping by to check in. Thanks for continuing to plug away at these great backgrounds. - Lainey

  2. Another great piece, Rob! It's very daunting to look at it all at once, instead of seeing bit & pieces briefly as you pan across with dozens of forest critters scurrying in front of it. It must have been a real pain trying to capture all the detail in this background with all those animals in the way. You did a fine job on this one. One of my new favorites. Thanks again!

  3. Thanks Lainey and Michael! So far this blog has a small audience, but I appreciate your visits and kind comments.

    I do use a screen cap program. The layering and color balancing in Photoshop is laborious, but relaxing as well and I love working with these images.

    I'll take a look at Pinocchio this weekend and see what I can come up with!

  4. I look forward to checking back to see if you've been able to construct any Pinocchio backgrounds. My site is new to the blogosphere too and I know how much I appreciate others' words of encouragement so it's a pleasure to support your site. Of course it helps that I love the content! :0)

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