Friday, August 10, 2007

I Wanna Be Like You

THE JUNGLE BOOK's backgrounds wildly exploited the film's jungle theme, with liberal applications of non-Kipling Polynesian influences. This background is from the Sherman Brother's wonderful "I Wanna Be Like You" song sequence. In it, King Louis moves from far left to the area right of the stone column. In the meantime, Mowgli and the monkeys are jitterbugging on and in front of the stone wall.

This was one of the most complicated backgrounds to re-create, as there never was a clean shot of the area above the wall. (Although the dancing monkeys did jump up once, which helped a great deal!) Mostly, it was composited by grabbing small fragments between the monkeys and building it one tiny section at a time.

This pan background took several days to create, but I think the results are worth it. I hope you'll agree!

This is just the first of many wonderful JUNGLE BOOK backgrounds to come.


  1. Wow, fantastic job! Your blog is now a definite must-see on my favorites list!

    Each background from Jungle Book is simply stunning. To me, those backgrounds make the movie. I'm glad people like you & Hans are putting so much time into touching up & making these backgrounds availiable for all to see. I don't need an archive pass!

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to what you have in store next!

  2. Hello Michael,

    Thanks for your kind comments - the first response posted by a visitor to my blog! I looked at your blog as well. What a tremendous young talent you are! Lots of style and energy in your drawings. Best of luck in pursuing your animation dreams.

  3. Thanks for all the painstaking work you've put into recreating this beautiful B.G.
    It looks fantastic!

    (From yet another Michael!)

  4. Absolutely breathtaking! Thanks for all your hard work on this stunning background!

  5. What a great blog! I've just browsed through your entire back catalogue of posts and its been eye opening to view these childhood favourites in a completely different artistic light. Having not been aware of background art that much before, I feel the need to revisit 101 Dalmatians and THe Jungle Book in particular to watch out for things I may have missed. Thanks so much for posting these and painstakingly working of composing all the shots for us to see. :)

  6. this blog is the greatest for art lovers .. being an illustrator and an animator this blog will really help me .. hopefully in future i'll contribute to this blog myself ..

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